3 Days in Paris
Travel to Paris
Romance is truly in the air! Okay, well maybe not, but it could happen with more than three days. Simply put, three days in Paris is more of a tease, than it is a short trip. I left feeling frustrated about the volume of things I didn’t get to see or do, and I don’t usually feel that way after one of our standard 3-day visits to the cities of Europe.
However, we still did a lot, and the reality is that I fell in love with Paris before I had even been there, and once I was, everything I saw just made me want to see more. So, I’ll show you what we did, and then I’ll let you choose from what sounds good to you.
My sister and I taking cute pics out of the windows of our AirBnb.
Choosing a Vacation Rental in Paris
Location is everything, or sometimes, access is everything. Paris is SO massive, that it’s impossible to be in the middle of everything because the “everything” is EVERYWHERE! We decided to split the difference, and choose a place central to the city, but super close to a big metro interchange, so that we could easily get to other parts of the city.
The “BoBos” (Bourgeois-Bohème) of the 11th arrondissement
Given the size of our party (there were 10 of us), it was somewhat easier to find a large apartment in the BoBos, due to the history of that neighborhood.
Four floors up, our lovely front door.

The Churches of Paris
Our Lady, Notre-Dame…
*UPDATE: As I’m sure you’re aware, the world gasped, as it watched the flames engulf the beloved cathedral, in April of 2019.
Notre-Dame appeared out of nowhere, like a deer jumping out of the woods into plain sight. At least that’s how it felt to me while stumbling around, tripping left and right, because I was trying to see everything all at once. I rounded a corner (not really knowing where I was, or exactly where I was headed), and then BAM! There she was.
If you’ve never traveled, or even if you have, the first time you see something that’s 800 years old (or more), or exists (to you) only in the movies, your heart kinda stops. The world suddenly contracts a little bit, as your brain attempts to connect the concepts of things that are “otherworldly",” to the ground that you are currently standing on and living in the same immediate space with.
For me, when I meet antiquity in this way, I feel very small, but also very connected with the human story of the world. People, things, and places, once so far removed as to feel like they exist only in books and films, suddenly become real, and I exist alongside them. It’s a rush, it’s addicting, and you can’t go back to how you were before you saw it.

Sacré-Cœur Basilica
While not as widely recognized as Notre Dame, the Sacre Coeur is definitely worth visiting. Providing the best views of Paris, it sits atop a hill, gazing down at the city below. The day we chose to make the trek to see it, there was a wine festival happening, so the crowds were definitely in attendance. However, If you’re looking for a more peaceful experience, I’d be sure to check the activity schedule first, by visiting the website.
What would Paris be without food?
Any self-respecting European trip means that you’ll be eating every chance you get. Nice dinners, snacks, cafes, you’ll eat it all, and it will be magical. However, always in the mood for specific experiences, we decided to try something VERY different.
On a special “date night,” away from the rest of the family members, we visited a restaurant called “Dans le Noir,” or as the experience would indicate, Dining in the Dark.
You must lock your phone and camera up, so I don’t have any pictures of this experience.
Unlike anything I had experienced before, you enter a front lobby, where the staff groups people together (even if you don’t know them), and then has you place ALL of your belongings into individual lockers. Purses, watches, phones, it all must be locked-up because if you drop it, or it glows, it will either be lost or ruin the experience for everyone. They take this very seriously.
Next, your group is provided with a server, which at least at this particular location, all of them serve staff, were visually impaired. standing in a line, you place your hand on the shoulder of the person in front of you, and then you are ushered through a snaking hallway to eliminate any light pollution from entering the dining room. Your group is brought to a stop at a table, and you are told to wait. One by one, your server assists you with sitting down and orients you with where your drinks and other table items are located.
Eating is a whole new experience because you only roughly know what you’ll be having before it comes (Ex. Poultry or Seafood), so you get the opportunity to meet and experience the meal in a totally unexpected way.
We had an awesome time, and it was a great new experience for both of us. You should consider going the next time you’re in Paris! You can make a reservation on their website, HERE.
When “normal” is Amazing.
I’m not surprised that people think Parisians are snooty, they may live in the number one tourist city in the world, but the city offers plenty of reasons for people to be living there beyond the tourist trade. With that in mind, being surrounded by gawking, lost, strangers with the same dumb questions, would get old.
Being one of those annoying tourists myself, here are some pictures of our wanderings…
An Evening at the Ritz - Paris
Rapidly running out of time in Paris, we still managed to squeeze in a few memorable things. Thanks to an invitation by some friends of ours, who happened to be staying at the Ritz (not be confused with the Ritz Carlton), we went and had drinks at “Bar Hemingway.” Yep, named for the author, and located inside of the Ritz, this place is amazing, but drinks are VERY expensive, so be prepared to shell out at least 30€ per drink!

A Topless Cabaret
Taking in dinner and a show, we decided to pay a visit to the Lido, and see what there was to see. This being my first time to see a cabaret, and a topless one at that, I didn’t know what to expect, but I enjoyed myself immensely! For obvious reasons, there aren’t pictures allowed inside, but the production value of the show was far beyond what I expected, and I truly enjoyed the whole experience.
If you want to see it the next time you’re in Paris, you can book it HERE.
Visiting the Eiffel Tower
No trip to Paris would be complete, without seeing this iconic Parisian structure. I caught my first glimpse of it at night, just as the lights had come on…glittering in the night sky like it was kissed with magic.
I had aspirations of seeing it during the day, and visiting the parks that surround it, but it was a bit of a hike for us to get to, and time was an issue. However, I’ll be sure to prioritize a visit the next time I’m there, and will perhaps book a ticket to ride up to the observation deck. You can find ticket information, HERE.
We’ll always have Paris
The time was far too short, but Paris was just the starting point for our France Adventure! Next stop, the Loire Valley and our wedding!!
France Travels: Post 1 of 8