A Macaron and The Great British Bake Off
When a show becomes an obsession
Usually, it’s a mannerism or a catchphrase, but sometimes it’s an over-inflated sense of confidence. Maybe that’s just me, and only in this one instance, but man… I dove in.
Watching the Great British Bake Off is such a joy for me. It helps me unwind, and the cooperative, pleasant attitude of the contestants, sorta recharges my introverted (i.e. People can suck) batteries. What it also can do to me, is make me brave enough to try making things I’ve never tried to make before.
Example one, the example of all examples, was committing to making french macarons for my wedding reception before I’d ever even tried to make them. I blame the show for making them look easy.
Lesson One:
Don’t believe everything you see on television.
This is a Macaroon, NOT a Macaron.
Lesson Two :
Get real excited and go buy a book WAY out of your league.
Lesson Three:
Spend HOURS in front of your oven, praying for silly things like “feet,” and glossy level tops, and then proceed to pitch your first three to five batches in the trash.
Lesson Four:
After buying stock in your local egg whites farm, determine to make at least two cookies per guest, and then suddenly realize that a single finished cookie, is TWO cookies, and you only get eight finished cookies out of each batch. Double your egg purchase, and start drinking a lot of wine.
Lesson Five:
Congratulations, you’ve achieved Ninja level macaron skills, and the neighbors that ate the multitude of practice cookies, now only see cookies when they see you coming. All future gifts will be macaron themed.

Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back, you made 300 macarons in four different flavors when you could have just gone to Costco.