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Scottish Highland Distilleries

Scottish Highland Distilleries

Share With The Angels

Brown liquor is as varied as the people that drink them and when visiting a part of the world that’s known for something as popular as Scotch Whiskey, you owe it to yourself to devote at least a little bit of time to exploring it in its motherland.

Distillery Tours

Not a scotch lover myself, I do enjoy bourbon whiskey and am 100% on board with learning how to appreciate something other than my regular and more familiar go-to’s. That said, do yourself a favor the next time you’re in Scotland and visit at LEAST one but more like two or three distilleries and experience the variety of scotch being produced there.

With that in mind, we would have loved to have visited more than what we did but only had time for one full tour, but we visited four of them and either did tastings or just visited the gift shops and onsite museums.

Oban Distillery

Oban Distillery

Nestled within the seaside community of Oban in county Argyle on the west coast of Scotland, this distillery is convenient to visit if you plan to venture over the Inner Hebrides islands because Oban is one of the primary ferry port towns.


Be sure to reserve your tour in advance if that’s what you want to do, we didn’t and were only able to visit the showroom.

Tobermory Distillery

Tobermory Distillery

This little distillery was my favorite scotch experience because of the quaint setting. The village of Tobermory is located on the northern tip of the island of Mull, which will require you to take a ferry from Oban, but the extra effort is well worth it (for more on the Isle of Mull, click HERE). Bonus, the scotch made at this distillery (called LeDaig) is not available in the United States, so take the opportunity to try something new!


Glen Ord Distillery

Moving further north into the Highlands is the Glen Ord Distillery best known for making Singleton Scotch. We chose to do a proper tour here and we had a wonderful experience! I would definitely recommend booking this tour in advance.

Glen Ord Distillery

Glenlivet Distillery

For our final “wee” dash of scotch exploration, we paid a visit to the tasting room for Glenlivet because it’s a favorite of my father-in-law. Probably the most elaborate showroom of all the distilleries we visited, you can even get a meal in their onsite cafe. There’s a large amount of merchandise and bottles available to purchase here, so did a little Christmas shopping while there.

Glenlivet Distillery

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