

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

An Angelic Summer Cake

An Angelic Summer Cake

Summer Is Canceled

2020 is a year that I can’t wait to see in my rear-view mirror and not just because of the terrible things that are happening, but also because of the wonderful things that simply are not.

I’ve been extremely fortunate in that I work for a company that has taken the pandemic seriously since day one and has allowed those of that can, to work remotely since the middle of March. However, the decision to send us all home (which I’m continually grateful for) has frozen my mental calendar firmly to that date in an almost groundhog day fashion… causing me to continuously feel confused by the month shown on the calendar.

In a normal year, a series of events would have already occurred by this point in July, and a series of events would also be on my immediate horizon that, well… simply haven’t, and aren’t going to this year. Questions like, “what day is it” seems to be forever on my tongue as the days, weeks, and months have become strung together with no distinguishing events to catapult my measure of time further into the year.

The above is not news to anyone, we’re all in this together, but we’re all getting through it slightly differently.

Let Me Eat Cake!

On the subject of the pandemic, diet and exercise are topics not far from anyone’s mind. Like a pendulum, I have swung from one extreme to the other and then back again, all while attempting to establish a sense of equilibrium, a challenge considering that nothing is normal, everything is always changing, and let’s face it, eating cake is comforting.

If you're like me and had travel plans that were canceled due to a travel ban, you might be organizing your socks or some other mundane thing in place of dwelling on the disappointment of it all. Alternatively, if sock organization has already been completed, perhaps you're game to try something that you've always wanted to do but haven't?

For example, I’ve always wanted to make a classic Angel Food Cake. I’ve avoided attempting this cake because of the special pan that is required (cabinet storage is in short supply in a condo), but desperate times call for desperate measures. Throwing storage concerns to the wind, I bought the pan and took the plunge.

This is a blog post that documents my first attempt at making a cake that’s as synonymous with summer as is swimming pools and outdoor barbecues.


Step #1 - Sift EVERYTHING


Step #2 - Separate a THOUSAND eggs and carefully fluff them up


Step #3 - Sift again and “FOLD IT IN”

Any Schitt’s Creek fans in the house?


Step #4 - Scrape the bottom and work FAST


Step #5 - Add half the batter and spread evenly before adding second half


Step #6 - Bake until golden and splitting


Step #7 - Invert and let cool for at least two hours


Step #8 - Run a knife around all edges and sides before removing from pan


Step #9 - ENJOY!

In Yummary… I mean Summary

This was easier than expected to make, separating the eggs was the only tedious part but you’re well supplied with yolks for making custard later ;)

I used the recipe from Bon Appetit but most recipe’s seem to be relatively similar.

I may not be attending backyard barbecues this summer, but I am enjoying a little slice of summer with this cake!

Leave me a comment below!

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