

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Croissant Baking Adventures

Croissant Baking Adventures

Part One

You’ve seen them behind the glass, golden, flaky, rounded semi-circles of goodness. Some hide decadent chocolate centers, others have shaved almonds, but all buttery achievements of humankind.


I’ll be honest, this is another example of The Great British Bake Off, manipulating me into learning new baking skills.

I’ve found the idea of making puff pastry (dough lamination) too intimidating to try previously, but I finally worked up the courage to give it a shot last night, as is evidenced by the photos above. Far from perfect, the texture was slightly more bready than flaky, the semi-circles lost their curves, and the layers were just overall too thick. However, despite those obvious issues, I was pleasantly surprised with how they turned out!

Lessons Learned

I think that most of my issues stemmed from not stretching out my triangles of dough, before rolling them into their final shape. While there are layers in the finished product (the lamination), the individual layers are just too thick, resulting in the slightly bready texture. However, I think that I’ll be able to correct this per the above.

Homemade croissants

Stay tuned for my second attempt in PART TWO!

Questions, comments, or advice? Leave them below!

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