Three Days in Washington D.C.
What to do with three days in Washington D.C.
A pandemic travel guide
It has been so long since the last time that I wrote a travel post, that i had difficulty even remembering the password to login and get started! That said, my hiatus from posting hasn’t been a true hiatus from travel per se, but has been an exercise in frustration with international travel planning. However, having taken a few little domestic trips during this time of upheaval, I’m finding that it’s time to resume a semi-regular posting schedule.
Know Before You Go
Normally when planning a trip I do extensive research into potential activities so that we don’t face the cringe of “I wish we would have known that sooner” reality while we’re visiting a far-off local. However, crazy times call flexibility and in this case, we found ourselves canceling a long planned trip (because of Covid concerns) in favor of a last minute mini-trip to a more domestic location.
To that end, there’s a TON to do in Washington D.C., but with ever changing policy where public health is concerned, don’t assume that you can simply drop-in and visit the free museums or attractions. We planned our trip less than a week in advance and we were not able to obtain timed entry tickets to any of the museums that we wanted to visit despite it being free entry.
Also, get familiar with the weather. Despite checking the weather before we went, we still found ourselves caught off guard by the daily rain we received like clockwork between 4 and 4:30 pm each day. According to a local we spoke with, D.C. rain is just a part of life that you count on being there. I wish we had known this or we would have packed differently and not found ourselves soaking wet on more than one occasion.
What we did with three days in D.C.
First of all, that’s not enough time to do hardly anything by the time you factor in the somewhat limited operating hours of the government buildings, so watch your time very closely!
On day 1 - We arrived and took the metro into town, we stayed in a hotel just a couple of blocks from the white house and walking to/from the metro was quick and easy. After we got checked-in, we immediately set out on foot to scope out the sites and familiarize ourselves with the area.
*D.C. is somewhat odd in terms of walking distance to things, everything is close and walkable, but also can be far on foot but too close for a car or train, so try not to be in a rush when going somewhere specific.
Our hotel was located on the Black Lives Matter Plaza, which at the time was undergoing road construction, but as we walked down it, we realized that they were pouring individual letters to spell it out in concrete. Compared to the painted versions of this in my own town, we were impressed by the investment.
Drawing nearer to the White House, we saw St. John's Episcopal Church, the site of the infamous photo taken by Donald Trump. We had no idea how close it actually was to the White House (again, the small/far complex). Just across the street from the church is the beautiful Lafayette Park, you might walk through it and not ever stop to appreciate it because you’ll be so distracted by the White House sitting at the end of of it, but look around and appreciate the beautifully preserved homes.
The White House, arguably the most famous of all buildings in the United States, was a very special stop. Due to barricades which are up during the day, you can’t walk-up to the fence, but even at a distance, you’re closer to it than you would think that you could get. My heart did a little flip when I saw it for the first time, it’s also much smaller than I expected. Stop and take a few minutes to appreciate it both in the daytime and at night.
Continuing our exploration, we walked all the way around the White House, which is a rather large loop. In the process you’ll also see the Willard Hotel, and walk along a portion of the National Mall. As you reach the rear of the White House, you’ll again note just how small it is and how confined the inhabitants must feel. Walk a little further and you’ll turn again to continue your loop, and walk past the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which is where the office of the Vice President is located. Turn the corner again and you’re back at the White house.
By now it was late in the afternoon and we were sweaty and tired, so we returned to the hotel to shower, grab dinner, and that rounded out our first day.
Day 2 - Jumping into our second day, we went and visited the National Archive. The main reason for visiting is to see the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill Rights, but there’s also other exhibits there. We spent around 3 hours here.
After leaving the archives, we decided to walk the National Mall.
*Keep in mind that it was super hot, and there’s very little in the way of places to pop into and grab a drink, so be sure to bring water with you. That said, central D.C. is flush with ice cream trucks, if it’s just something cold that you’re wanting.
The mall is lovely and you’ll see all kinds of people there, we were there the day before an anniversary event of the MLK “I have a dream” speech, so there was extra activity happening. Eventually, we made our way to one of the ends of the park, where the Lincoln Memorial caps off an incredible linear view over the rest of the mall. You’ll want to spend some time here, it’s not only an impressive structure, but take the time to read everything that is inside. It’s an emotional experience for many.
Doubling back from the Lincoln Memorial, we walked along the reflecting pool and made our way towards the Washington monument. We stopped to view the World War 2 memorial and enjoyed the fountains for a time, but then we noticed the dark clouds of the mid afternoon rain storm start to approach so we quickly made our way to the Washington memorial, from there you have a good mid-point view of the rest of the mall in both directions. In all, we spent a couple of hours just viewing these three monuments and due to the rain, now needed to end our day of sightseeing (it was nearing the 4pm hour).
Day 3 - We visited the White House Visitor Center. Before you get too excited, it’s not actually part of the White House complex, but it’s located nearby and is what I’m going to call “An overlooked gem.” This museum focuses on the “people” that have lived, worked, and built the white house into what it is today. There are lots of artifacts, an educational video, and plenty of information to easily fill a couple of hours. Totally free of charge and no ticket required.
After we finished at the center, we decided to partially finish walking the National Mall. While we didn’t resume from where we left off, we set out from the visitors center and made our way to the Capital and the Supreme Court buildings. Mind you, it was oppressively hot that day and by the time we had walked there, we were tired, hungry and thirsty, so we ducked inside a little deli on the far side of the capital. Unfortunately for us, by the time we finished our little rest, it was time for the daily rain. We had just enough time to snap a few pictures before it started raining so hard that we had to huddle under an oak tree on the capital really put a “damper” on the afternoon, but at least we saw it and could mark it off our list.
On our final morning before heading to the airport (Day Four), we took an Uber ride out to visit a bookstore called “Politics & Prose.” It was a bit of a hike, but well worth the trouble if you have a book lover in your life. Many of the Washington Elite do their book signings at this store and the autographed copies are still sold at regular price! Another unexpected perk of this visit, was when we discovered that the bookstore was just a couple of doors down from Comet Ping Pong, known to locals as a family-friendly pizza and ping pong restaurant, but to the rest of us as the unfortunate recipient of unfounded conspiracy theory and the resulting “pizza gate” scandal.
In summary, I loved D.C. and will go back again sooner rather than later.
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Two Days in Denver
A Domestic Covid19 Vacation Idea
Pandemic fatigue is a very real thing and while unnecessary travel, while cases are spiking around the country, is not something I would recommend at the moment, planning a little getaway when things are a little more in hand might be just what the doctor ordered for addressing the stay at home blues.
Two Days In The Mile High City
Having not spent much time in downtown Denver in the past I was surprised to find that the downtown core is undergoing efforts at revitalizing itself. With a variety of creative little boutiques and bars, the amount of fun things to do is on the rise, making the need for a car to take you to the suburbs less and less necessary.

Le Meridian Hotel Downtown Denver
Once again utilizing our Marriot rewards, we parked ourselves in the well-located Le Meridian Hotel. With the majority of our time spent walking around downtown, we did make time to visit the rooftop bar at the hotel itself.

A Downtown Walkabout
On our second and only full-day visiting the city, we walked extensively and explored wherever our feet would take us. We grabbed brunch at this quaint historical cafe, walked by the museum of modern art, and poked around inside of union station.

The Dairy Block
The most surprising gem we stumbled upon during our time about town was The Dairy Block. Creative use of space, the project is a collection of mini restaurants, boutiques, bars, and bakeries all owned and operated by a collective investment group.
Heading Home
Our experience in the Denver Airport was great, well distanced, and made my husband and I feel safe as we traveled back home to the safety of our bubble.
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Emily in Paris - She Should Have Stayed Home
A Netflix Review
As a self-proclaimed Francophile and fan of the series “Sex in the City,” I was elated at the announcement and release of the Netflix series Emily in Paris. Saddled with the dull-drums of the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, a need for mental transportation to “other” places and distraction from the consistently negative atmosphere of the world at the moment, a visually romantic and lighthearted binge session seemed like just what the streaming doctor ordered.
All Cliche no Charm
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m guilty of romanticizing many of the historic cities of Europe by choosing to only engage with the historical aspects of the cities and culture. I want to be Audrey Hepburn in 1950's Rome, and I want to sip wine in Paris with Ernest Hemingway in the 1920s. Another reviewer of this show, stated that “Americans only want to see the Paris of 100 years ago,” and to a great extent, I agree with that sentiment and can find somewhat of a parallel in my hometown of Kansas City.
Not known for being a city of light or romance, however, Kansas City was once a hub for the cattle trade and the resulting reputation of making good barbecue, but while the cattle industry has long since left, the reputation remains. I don’t even enjoy barbecue but still must converse about it with anyone visiting the city or that I meet elsewhere after the name of the city is mentioned and I can only imagine what it must be like for a Parisian?! Anyway, I digress…
While I do have some similar criticisms of the Sex in The City series, some of the obvious story issues such as how Carrie was able to somehow fund a Manhattan lifestyle on the income of a singular weekly newspaper column, are even more glaring in the Emily in Paris series. For example, the seemingly overnight popularity and growth of her Instagram account, or the fact that this early-career person always seems to have the edge on everyone else around her. I don’t know if it was an attempt at personifying American superiority, French indifference, or what, but in my experience, if some 24 years old was continuously making me look inferior at work by touting that they had a masters degree while only having had a year or two of experience, I’d be pretty annoyed too. “Fresh perspective” is one thing, but the savior of an entire company by way of occasional Instagram posts is ludicrous.
Setting aside how I feel about the career/finance issues that have long been noticed in a variety of other successful shows such as Friends, there’s also the issue of fashion and romantic entanglement. Unlike Sex and the City, whose characters were still impossibly chic, managed to have signature styles (for the most part) just a half step between timeless and fashion-forward. Carrie being the exception, the other three characters dressed in a manner semi-reflective of both their career field as well as their level of success within it. However, Emily appears to be dressed like some sort of indulged teenager that is entirely indifferent to either the environment she is in or the message that her outfit sends. For someone that claims to be so “in the know” about what subtle messaging does for a brand, I can only assume by the way her outfits scream “petulant American teenager,” that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Then there are the many many romances. This show (and many other shows and films like it) makes it appear that impossibly handsome Frenchmen are literally on every street corner just waiting to bump into some ridiculous American girl who has just had her heartbroken. Gag me. These characters range in their most glaring of flaws, but at the heart of it, each is entirely devoid of any meaningful personality or at the very least the desire to cast an actor capable of portraying imaginary substance. Good, Bad, or whatever, every romantic interest in this series is nothing more than just a pretty face.
My Scorecard
In conclusion, yes, I did watch the entire season of a show that I knew I hated by halfway through the first episode. Yes, the scenery, colors, conversational cadence, and predictably excellent quality of a Netflix production, was addicting. However, while some of the supporting characters may have been mildly interesting it doesn’t change the fact that the central character is a paper doll and her main love interest is devoid of any real sense of self. No matter how pretty the color of the lipstick, when on a pig, nothing will make it cuter. I give this show a solid “D” grade.
W Hotel Aspen - A Review
“A Little Place Called Aspen…” Part Two
If you read my previous post about our stay in Aspen (available HERE), this is the second installment and official review of our stay at the W Hotel in Aspen Village.
The W Hotel
I think a dream job for my husband and I both would be to visit and stay at hotels, at least hotels that put forth as much care and attention to detail as what Marriott does. From the moment we pulled up our car out front we were greeted with helpful, smiling staff, that volunteered information to questions that they knew to anticipate me asking, they make everything easy. Once inside the door, the front desk staff offered us chilled champagne and assistance with our luggage, and helped ease our transition from being “in transit” to “being on vacation.”

The Room
An advantage to loyalty member programs is the fact that when you hit certain milestones you receive hotel perks when available. In the case of this particular stay we were upgraded to a room with a “partial mountain view,” which in reality was just a peekaboo view above the roof line of the neighboring building, but sometimes can be a substantial improvement.

Outdoor Spaces
The reason for staying at the W Hotel is the combination of the rooftop and the physical proximity of the hotel to Aspen Village. The hotel offers two lovely rooftop common spaces, one offering pool/ hot tub and bar, and the other offering a more serene breakfast and cocktail environment. We made great use of the hot tub and ate breakfast in the fresh morning air each day of our stay and if afternoon treats are more your style, you’ll love the super cute little ice cream stand out front!

In conclusion
Aspen is a must and if you’ve got points, I recommend the W for quality and location but would still be open to staying elsewhere on future trips back.
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Aspen Summer Break
“A Little Place Called Aspen”
In this episode of “I have to get out of town but can’t go overseas because of COVID,” we’re visiting the crown jewel of Colorado luxury destinations, a little place called Aspen.
Taking just a week away to visit Colorado, we spent three nights and four days in what is my new favorite Colorado summer destination, but here are a few things you should know.
Getting There
There are a few different ways that you can get to Aspen, however the most obvious is to fly directly into Aspen, or to fly into Denver and then drive the rest of the way… I mean, who doesn’t enjoy a nice view while in the car? A less obvious alternative is horseback, but that might have been preferable to what happened to us.
We chose to fly into Denver, rent a car, and then drive the brief 3.5 hours west to Aspen. It was an easy drive, scenic, and validated our choice to save on flight cost by going into Denver rather than Aspen. That was at least until it was time to go back to Denver, in which case the Colorado wildfires and a couple of jack-knifed tractor-trailers forced the closure of I-70, sending us way out of our way with a nearly nine-hour drive.
The moral of the story, cheaper isn’t always better, so drive Colorado at your own risk.
We’re big fans of utilizing hotel loyalty programs and with multiple Marriott concept hotels to choose from, we opted to stay at the W Aspen. The staff was very friendly and helpful, the location was perfectly walkable to everything in Aspen Village, and the amenities were excellent. I’ll share more about our experience at the W in another post.
Another hotel option that landed on our radar once we arrived, however, was the Hotel Jerome. While we did not see any of the rooms at this historical hotel, the lobby was next level. We did get drinks and some bites at the outdoor dining concept for the hotel.

With just three days in the Aspen area, I had to make an effort not to overschedule us as I’m known to do, so I wanted to pick a singular activity that would be memorable and fun for both of us. I chose Stand-up Paddle-boarding (SUP) at North Star Nature Preserve just outside of town. That said, due to a drought in Colorado, the water is very low, and use is somewhat restricted, but we still very much enjoyed the experience!

Hello, vacation! I’ll be the first to admit that Aspen is not what I would consider being a “budget” destination, although you can be frugal. Part of what I loved about Aspen was the high-end shopping experience that I don’t have back home, so you might say that window shopping is a favored leisure activity for me. That said, there are a variety of stores and if you look hard enough you might still find some solid gold nugget deals. I purchased a vintage suede jacket that I found at an antique store, and also splurged a little bit and got a custom Stetson hat from Kemo Sabe.

Come hungry and leave happy by taking advantage of the diverse food scene in Aspen. Since we're not made of money and in the interest of being frugal, we utilized a daily dining credit at our hotel which we used for breakfasts in exchange for declining housekeeping service, this saved us about $50 per day.
For lunches, we mainly stuck to budget-friendly sandwich shops and gastropubs, but what would a vacation be without the occasional spendy evening out? Not frugal by any measure, but worth every penny, we did treat ourselves at a French Pan-American restaurant called Betula. With a romantic/modern vibe, Betula is a great option for special occasions or date nights and is the perfect option for dinner or dessert and a nightcap, I highly recommend it!

Tips & Summary
Of the things I wish had known or done differently concerning the planning of our weekend getaway to this destination, I present you with the following list:
Don’t be cheap - Fly into the Aspen airport and save yourself time and potential driving headaches
Don’t rent a car - You do not need a car if staying in Aspen village and parking is both limited and expensive (particularly during the winter ski season)
Leave your nice high heels at home ladies - The brick roads and walkways will murder the material and caps of your more delicate spiked heels
Expect to pay 20% or more for everything, because it’s Aspen
Give yourself time to relax and take in the scene - Aspen was made for people watching so give yourself time to get bored of sitting at sidewalk cafes or in the hot tub while taking in the mountain views!
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A Weekend Escape To Springfield
Vacation Close To Home
When you don’t have a ton of time or can’t afford to go very far, consider a weekend in exotic southwest Missouri, more specifically, Springfield Missouri.
Where To Stay
Hands down the Vandivort is the place to stay for a great change of pace! For a full review of the Vandivort Hotel, see my other post HERE.
Where To Eat
One of the best parts of vacationing is eating at new places and Springfield has a fantastic mix of startups, established eateries, and everything in between.
Starting with breakfast, here are two great options worth checking out that fall on different ends of the ambiance spectrum.
Gailey’s Breakfast Cafe
Located downtown and across the street from the Vandivort, Gailey’s has traditional breakfast foods served up in a classic Americana diner, the coffee is good and biscuits are warm, but you might want to call ahead as the wait for a table can get pretty long.

2. Tea Bar & Bites
This place is as cute as a button and is tucked away in the charming Raintree neighborhood (not far from downtown by car). Despite a limited rotating menu, this place will NOT disappoint, but get there early as seating is limited and the pastry items sell out fast!

3. Rountree
Located at the intersection of Pickwick Avenue and Cherry Street is a collection of eateries and taverns so tasty that you may find yourself going back day after day. With at least eight different places to choose from, this is a great option for anyone wanting a variety of different things to eat ranging from kimchi fries to kombucha.

4. The Cow’s Pajamas
This mobile frozen treat vendor is cute as a button, and while they do move around, we paid them a visit at the Route 66 Food Truck Park which was definitely worth a stop on its own!
5. Cafe Cusco
This delightfully colorful Peruvian inspired eatery will have you feeling like you’re a jet setter!

What To-Do
Having been built since I finished college, I’d never taken the time to visit the Wonders of Wildlife on any of my return visits to Springfield, but this being more of a mini-vacation made it feel like the time to go.

In Closing
There are a thousand other little things I could suggest, but at the end of the day, I have to bring this post to a close. With this in mind please feel free to ask questions in the comments below or shoot me an email!
A Little SoHo in SoMo
The Vandivort Hotel Does Springfield Proud
Whatever you might think about southwest Missouri or towns like it, first-class boutique hotels probably don’t factor into your opinion, that might need to change.
With many folks making heavy revisions to their summer travel plans such as replacing a trip to Greece with something closer to home, now is the time to take a look at cities that have largely flown below the travel seekers radar. Springfield Missouri, home of Missouri State University, the birthplace of the comedic geniuses behind the viral “Instagram Husbands” video, and headquarters of Bass Pro is also home to a first-class boutique hotel called the “Vandivort.”
Boutique or Bust
2020 has been a year of disappointment and much anxiety for a lot of folks and even if illness or other financial concerns haven’t factored into your daily life, the general stress of changing regulations, social limitations and political upheaval has us all feeling a need to escape our everyday routine. If you also had your summer plans dashed by COVID19, it's still possible to take a break and get out of the house, in a place you might not have previously considered.
My husband and I love to travel and typically it's to places like Paris and New York, but sometimes a night in a nice hotel is just what the doctor ordered to scratch that "travel itch.” Just a short three-hour drive from Kansas City is the third-largest city in Missouri and what I would argue is the best boutique hotel in the state.

My Hotel Review
An issue I have with many hotels is that often the lobbies and common areas are beautiful and welcoming, but then you enter your room (queue the wah-wah trombones). Generic carpet, generic wall art, bed linens that feel like they are intended to last for the long haul, and is entirely devoid of the charm seen at the hotel entrance.
The Vandivort is different, it’s been thoughtfully appointed from top to bottom and from the inside out. The flooring and lighting fixtures are designer quality, and the decoration is carefully curated. Two buildings make up the entirety of the hotel, the original building which houses “The Order,” the in-house restaurant, the main lobby, and a series of bathrooms that have a surprising life of their own.
The second building referred to as “V2,” is a new construction building that was built to the same level of charm and high-quality finish of the original and historical main hotel. The bonus space in V2 is a beautiful rooftop cocktail bar known as “Vantage.”
Having stayed three times at the Vandivort, twice in the original building, and once at V2, I’ve had the opportunity to experience three different kinds of rooms from different price points. I can say without hesitation that regardless of the room, you’ll receive a quality room with first-rate amenities. The one thing worth noting, which is in no way a criticism of the hotel, is that the location of the hotel is in the heart of downtown Springfield and is near nightlife, so be prepared for a moderate amount of noise depending on the night you stay.
Vantage Rooftop Lounge

As I mentioned above, the restrooms located in the main hotel lobby have something special worth mentioning. Intended or not, these individual bathroom pods have PERFECT selfie lighting which has morphed into a “must do” when visiting the Vandivort!
Big City Dreams
Don’t get me wrong, I love coming to Springfield and reconnecting with my college days, but the Vandivort is a higher class experience than what you’ll find anywhere else in Springfield. So, if you’re itching to go to New York but don’t have the time or budget to get that far, try a visit to Springfield! Stay tuned for my post about suggested things to do during your stay.