All in Planning

January in Hanoi Vietnam

When considering travel to Southeast Asia, one typically envisions a warm, humid climate filled with exotic foliage and cuisine. While all of that is true, there’s a much larger range of climate than what an inexperienced traveler to that region would expect.

New Years Eve in Hanoi Vietnam

After breakfast, we went back to our room with just enough time to watch the ball drop in Times Square. It was really strange watching everyone celebrate something that to us, had happened the day before, but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to celebrate a second time.

A Luggage Philosophy

If Instagram has taught us anything, it’s that having the perfect outfit for the already enviable locations that you’re visiting, is an added perk to traveling abroad, but who’s going to carry it?

A Beginners Guide to Travel Planning

Believe me, I get it. Student loans, rent, credit card debt, there’s ALWAYS going to be a million reasons why it’s not the “ideal” time to take that trip to Paris, but you only live once, and I promise that a year from now you’ll find a whole new crop of reasons why it’s not the ideal time.